For information, click on the educational opportunities listed here:
The American Guild of Organists was chartered in 1896 to administer a comprehensive series of examinations for professional certification.
The AGO currently offers five levels of professional certification:
Service Playing Certification (SPC)
Colleague Certification (CAGO)
Choir Master Certification (ChM)
Associateship Certification (AAGO)
Fellowship Certification (FAGO)
Workshops are periodically offered outlining the benefits and requirements of the program. If interested in pursuing certification, contact our chapter at: Visit the AGO National site for information concerning specific requirements, locations, dates and fees, or to order educational materials.

Connecticut College
John P. Anthony; Professor of Music and College Organist
270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320
Tel: 860-439-2718 Fax: 860-439-5382

Wesleyan University
Alcee Chriss; Artist in Residence and University Organist
High Street, Middletown, CT 06459
Tel: 860-685-2282

Trinity College
Christopher Houlihan; Artist in Residence and Chair of Chapel Music
300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Tel: 860-297-2014

University of Connecticut
Angela Salcedo; Instructor of Organ
875 Coventry Road, Storrs, CT 06269

Yale Institute of Sacred Music
Martin Jean; Professor of Organ
409 Prospect Street, New Haven CT 06511
Tel: 203-432-9753
Fax: 203-432-9680

The Greater Hartford Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is proud to
own an Orgelkids kit instrument.
Orgelkids, an educational pipe organ program, is a traveling, reusable kit that empowers young children to assemble a working 2-rank, 2-octave pipe organ. The Greater Hartford Chapter Orgelkids kit has been part of educational programs in schools, churches, concerts and summer camp programs both in Connecticut and in our neighboring states. This
hands-on experience is free for groups in the Greater Hartford area.
If you are interested in learning more about hosting an Orgelkids event, please contact
Susan Carroll,
To learn more about Orgelkids, visit:

POE (Pipe Organ Encounters) are week-long educational summer programs with the purpose of teaching youth about the organ. These programs are available based on community interest and the chapter's ability to host. The POE is offered at various levels:
• POE (ages 13-18)
• POE-Advanced (ages 13-18)
• POE-Tech (ages 16-23)
During a POE, students are given individual instruction, access to local instruments, and performance opportunities.
POE Handbook:
Funding for private organ study is available through the Greater Hartford Chapter of the American Guild of Organists via the Jolidon Fund
For more information: Click Here